Saturday, March 15, 2014


This is Simon. He represents everything good about my life as an MK. He was given to me on my 10th birthday by a friend's mom. I guess she didn't want me to feel left out because it was my friend's birthday. We often celebrated our birthdays together because we were only two weeks apart. My family and I lived in a suburban area on the southernmost island. I was an only child for thirteen years, and I was isolated and socially awkward. This family accepted me as one of their own. We met when were seven, and I bonded with the older boy quickly. The younger one I teased mercilessly, which I regret to some extent.

We watched endless hours of Star Trek episodes. We watched The Princess Bride. We geeked out over our favorite books. We played board games.  We spent holidays together. They showed me cool new games on their Mac computer. We shared our love of Japan, and moaned over homeschooling. I wonder who on the mission field thought I was going to marry the oldest one? When my family moved to the States, we kind of lost touch for awhile. But it didn't matter. When the oldest one came from Tokyo to visit me while I was in Japan, it was as if we'd never left. I will cherish those memories forever; they are like my brothers.

Man, I miss them.

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